Here is a list of our regular pattern of weekly services & Activities:

Please sign-up for our weekly newsletter for regular updates.

A United Benefice Service is usually held on the last Sunday of each month and it rotates between the churches.

Holy Communion is served most weeks at St John’s and regularly at the other churches.

Monday Morning Prayer 10.30am session on Zoom - a chance to pray, and also for some fellowship together. Details for our Monday services are:  Join Zoom Meeting 
Meeting ID: 821 0117 7348      

Monday Bible Study Group at 8.00pm on Zoom - Currently on Summer break until Monday 11th September.

New members very welcome
Zoom discussion on Monday evening at 8.00pm,
Join Zoom Meeting: 
Meeting ID: 837 9082 7401  Passcode: 326634

St John‘s Farnham Common

Wednesday: 10.00am Holy Communion at St John’s. You’re welcome to join us afterwards for fellowship at Costa Coffee.

Sunday: 9.30am

A Healing Service is held on the last Tuesday of every month at 7.30pm at St John’s - all are welcome to receive prayer and anointing with Holy Oils. Our next Healing Service will be held on Tuesday 30th April.

St Mary’s Farnham Royal

Sunday: 11.15am

St Mary’s Hedgerley

Sunday: 11.15am